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Rating & Comments Rating: 4.8

Comments: Good design with smooth user flow with plenty of instructions and confirmation popups. Capture screen has marked outlines which assists the users to place their documents in it.
Rating: 4.7

Comments: Simple and clear user flow however it is hard to fix the face inside of dots while pressing the capture button.
Rating: 4.6

Comments: Sleek and crisp design, multiple upload options, one task per screen experience. However, on-screen messages instructions could be improved.
Rating: 4.6

Comments: Smooth overall flow with a single camera session to capture all documents with continue on mobile with link-on-sms feature.
Rating: 4.6

Comments: Good design followed by clear messaging to assist the user throughout the journey.
Rating: 4.6

Comments: A design with efficient small-screen use of space with confirmatory dialog boxes once an image is uploaded.
Rating: 4.6

Comments: Optimized a single-screen view for the whole process with a simple design. Uploaded images are available for the user to view and verify at later stages as well.
Rating: 4.5

Comments: Modern user interface with facilitating icons and mobile continuation feature. Improvements could be made by adding a progress bar.
Rating: 4.5

Comments: Comes with an express verification method. However, many document uploads on a single screen puts cognitive load on the user.
Rating: 1.5

Comments: Support interaction in process
Rating: 1.5

Comments: Support interaction in process




User Consent & On-boarding

Pros: Informs the user about the terms and conditions and asks for consent to process personal data, which is important for maintaining transparency and compliance with data privacy regulations.

Cons: The multilingual option is missing, which could be an issue for users who are more comfortable reading in their native language. Additionally, the user currently has to do two clicks on this screen, which could be seen as a minor inconvenience compared to other solutions like Shufti Pro which only require a single click for consent.

Pros: The wording is crisp and to the point. The design is also very sleek.

Pros: User consent is explicitly taken

Cons: The Verification process starts after clicking on the button as it is just a waste of click.

Pros: Clearly asks for user consent to agree to their privacy policy and verifies that the age of the user is above 16.

Pros: The language button is right in the middle and gets the user’s attention. ShuftiPro branding is also there.

Cons: The QR code icon is available in the top right corner which is not a good thing with UX prespective.

Pros: All the information available on one page with a dropdown to select the test type.

Cons: The instructions are confusing and hard to understand. A non-technical user won’t be able to understand that.

Cons: They are not asking for the privacy policy consent from the user.

Pros: Jumio is providing help, a unique feature here. In addition to that, Jumio has also mentioned its version below.

Cons: Privacy policy consent is missing. And the globe on the top left corner might not be clear to all users.

Pros: They offer the option of completing the verification process on mobile. They have also provided a contact option in the event of any confusion.

Cons: While privacy policy is mentioned, they are not explicitly taking consent from the user.

Pros: All on one screen, i.e., useful tips and document visuals to be updated alongside the face. In the third section, there is a prominent sign to upload the documents.

Cons: They are not asking for the privacy policy consent from the user, which could be seen as a lack of transparency and non-compliance with data privacy regulations.

Pros: Just one click is required to start the KYC journey, which makes the process quick and easy for users.

Cons: They are not asking for the privacy policy consent from the user, which could be seen as a lack of transparency and non-compliance with data privacy regulations.

Pros: Customised UI is much better than the original Trulioo’s UI.
Pros: the CTA button is the center of the attention which calls for a smoother flow

Cons: Trulioo is not taking the privacy policy consent from the user.

Convenience on Document capturing

Pros: The stepper guide above helps the user navigate through the verification process, making it clear what the next steps are, which improves the user experience.

Cons: The size of the Iframe is not consistent, which could be confusing for users and may make the process less intuitive.

Pros: The instructions and guiding points are clear. They are making users ready for the next steps. The “language” button is also getting the required importance. A progress bar is also a good addition.

Pros: The design is fully consistent. Country and document types are taken in the dropdown. Passbase is highlighting a pain point for users by using the word “securely” here. The full-screen camera allows the user to adjust the document easily. Instead of showing the instructions, they are using a bounding box, which eliminates the chances of crop glare and focus issues.

Pros: The auto capture option is also helpful for the user to make the document stable.

Cons: Progress bar doesn’t work with the flow.

Pros: Tooltip is a good addition to convey the meaning to the users. The user is provided with three (3) modes to submit the proofs.

Pros: The progress bar is a good addition here. Also, the stepper above is conveying the total number of steps to the user. Document Icons are also conveying the meaning to the user completely. The Camera is in full width while taking the selfie, helping the user to adjust the document in the camera easily.

Cons: As our user audience is very diverse, if a granny has to capture the card while shivering, it would be hard for her to hold the card with one hand and click the button with the other.

Pros: They are providing the “cross” button so that if a user wants to leave the verification process, he/she can. Instructions are pretty clear about scanning the QR code or using the link.

Pros: “Start Session” seems to be more technical; however, the end user is from a very diverse group. The document structure in opacity clearly visualizes the end user to show the document on camera. The bounding box lets the user capture the document without cropping and readability issues. They are also providing a unique feature of sharing the URL to anybody via text message.

Cons: At this stage, Veriff is trying to market its mobile application, which might detract the users from the verification journey.

Cons: It’s hard to focus the card in the camera with one hand and click the button with the second hand. It would be more difficult for aged people as they used to have to stumble, and focusing on cards with one hand would be really hard.

Cons: Veriff does not ask the users to select the document type. also, The country is not specified here.

Pros: The user is routed to the next screen automatically when he or she selects the country and document type, reducing the number of clicks.

Pros: Jumio has added the verification method selection in the normal verification flow. Also, Instead of giving a separate icon about QR code scanning. The instructions are simple and to the point. The user is also informed of their total and remaining step count. The camera is full width, helping users to adjust the document easily. A flip option is also given to the user. The instruction is very clear and to the point. The user is also guided about the total and remaining step count.

Cons: Design is not visually balanced. There is much blank space in the iframe. User cannot go back and update the document type and issuing country. The purpose of the back button is not clear here. The effect on the camera confuses the user.

Cons: The progress bar is missing, and due to that, the user is not aware of the remaining verification journey.

Pros: Design is sleek, and step is clear. A disclaimer or consent box must be accepted to proceed to the next stage, where a step-by-step guide is available. This is a good option for getting verified.

Pros: Stripe asks for the permission of camera, which gives them another advantage in terms of compliance. he document, must be in the rectangle to be verified, the rectangle is provided within the camera which gives user an idea to adjust the edges.

It only took a few seconds, and the gif processing allowed us to stay on the screen. You can also retake the taken images by clicking on the retake button.

Cons: Despite being selected earlier in the process, there must be a document name mentioned that must be verified. the approach applies to the backside of the card, but there are no instructions stating that we must flip the card or document to capture the screen.

Cons: The progress bar, to help the user identify how many steps are left, is also missing.

Pros: It allows us to upload or drag and drop a document image, as well as use the camera to verify the document, which makes the process more convenient for users.

Pros: Nothing beats a progress bar in a step-by-step process, so Ui is straightforward and self-explanatory. It gives very clear instructions to the user on how to proceed forward, which makes the process easy to follow.

Pros: Icons are clarifying the meaning to the users, which makes the process easy to understand.

Cons: There is a back button available, but the purpose of the button is unclear on this screen, which could be confusing for users.

Pros: Onfido is routing the user to the next screen on the selection of the document type, unlike Shufti Pro, where the user has to make two (2) clicks. Other than that, the “front and back” and “photo page” text also builds up the users’ minds about the upcoming steps. Onfido allows the users to send the verification link via mobile message or by QR code. They are also instructing the users on scanning the QR code. The steps are very clear and define the entire verification process.

Cons: Before, choosing the documents Onfido is asking the user to input their First & Last Name which is not a good practice.

Pros: They have addressed the users’ security concerns to make them comfortable. In addition, they are providing a secondary type of verification, “Express Verification,” through which you can verify in just two clicks.

Pros: The user gets asked for the front and backside on the same screen, clearly letting the user know what he has to provide for verification.

Cons: The text above says to select the document type. But the country selection dropdown is also there. The verification flow is only in one language.

Convenience on Selfie capturing

Pros: Instructions are clearly visible, with the help of typography (bold text) and images. The “Continue button on mobile” is also getting the required attention. If the user wants to take a selfie for identification, the gif provides complete instructions and guidance to the user, and the option to continue on the phone is still available. The steps are very clear and well defined, which makes the process easy to follow.

Cons: Size of Iframe is not consistent, which could be confusing for users and may make the process less intuitive.

Pros: Full screen camera allows users to adjust easily on the screen. The loader is engaging the user and giving the feeling that something is going to happen.

Cons: The channel is a bit hard, and focusing the face in the circles is difficult.

In Selfie camera mode, it is asking user if “the information is well visible to you” The question is not appropriate as what sort of information should be clear in a selfie?

Cons: It also has a lot of white spaces in the follow-up screens which is not a good UX.

Cons: The progress bar is buggy as it gets stuck at one point even if the user has gone to further stages.

Pros: The user is asked for a selfie after taking the documents picture, the width of the frame is decent and the UI seems good.

Pros: There is an ‘experiencing problems? button which can assist the user if something is not working

Pros: It is easy for the user to adjust the face in the oval. And this ensures that the whole face is accurately captured.

Cons: They have placed an effect on the camera which confuses the user.

The size of the oval is large and allows the user to adjust the face easily. Overall instructions are very clear and the journey is user friendly.

Cons: The verification time is significantly high. It gives an option to skip for now however the purpose is not very clear of that button. The user is asked to upload three documents in the same screen, and each doc has separate instructions. It’s putting a cognitive load on the user.

Overall KYC journey smoothness and culmination

Pros: The content shows that the verification process has been completed, which is important for users to know that they have successfully completed the process.

Cons: There is no message for the user to know what to do next, which could be confusing for users and may make the process less intuitive. It could be beneficial to add a message or a guide to indicate what the next steps are after the verification is completed.

Pros: The content is very communicative and engaging here. Passbase uses the name of the merchant and also guides the user about what next they can do.

Cons: Progress bar was completed in the last step, but it doesn’t move through out the journey.

Pros: The overall journey is smooth with one task per screen experience however there are minor bugs that can disturb a user’s experience.

Pros: It gives a verification completed also progress bar also reaches 100%

Pros: It educated the user on their right the request an erasure of their data.

Cons: Proceed button here does not convey the next step’s meaning and the user is not educated on what next is to come.

Pros: The overall interface and journey is good however minor improvements to be made in document capturing screen.

Cons: There is a lot of blank space on the iframe. Where the user will get the results is not communicated here.

Cons: The user doesn’t know what will happen next as there is no guidance for the user about the remaining and completed steps.

Cons: The next step seems unclear for the user. Also, the user has no information about the status of the entire verification.

Pros: The overall process is smooth and the design is very intuitive.

Pros: The screen’s instruction is communicative and conveys the exact message to the user about the further process.

Pros: A single screen process view makes it easier for the user to identify their steps and look back at what documents tehy ahve previously uploaded along with a quality check. The overall process flow is smooth.

Pros: After completing the verification, the iframe on the web gets updated in real-time, which allows users to know the status of the verification process.

Cons: N/A

Pros: After the verification is done, they have put a CTA button that redirects them to where they started their verification journey.

Cons: Too many actions on a single screen can put cognitive load on the user and previously uploaded documents are visible to the user to cross-verify.

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